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English-Hindi > tick by

tick by meaning in Hindi

tick by sentence in Hindi
tick    खोल टिकटिक ढकना
by    के निकट पास में बगल
1.They look for signs of nervousness as minutes tick by.

2.The minutes tick by outside Bocelli's hotel suite.

3.I can remember each minute of these trips as time ticks by.

4.Weeks tick by while the seamen wait at the union hall for work.

5.Tick by tick, here's what happened.

6.Real time data feeds provide tick by tick'real time'data.

7.As bags are searched, the line backs up and the hours tick by.

8.The years tick by, and Hammer must finally acknowledge what he has feared.

9.Silence, snow falls and seconds tick by.

10.A second ticks by on the clock.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5

How to say tick by in Hindi and what is the meaning of tick by in Hindi? tick by Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.